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Latest relaxing of lockdown restrictions - 6th July 2020
From this date the strict 5 mile travel restriction will be lifted. People in Wales will now be allowed to travel any distance. This now allows all members to travel to Llandow for flying. However, the limitation on numbers laid out below will still be enforced.

The current parking and pits layout will remain however with bays for 8 flyers. We can accommodate a 3rd pilot on the fixed wing flight line. The layout will remain until the Welsh government lowers recommended personal separation to 1m at which point the layout will return to normal. This is to ensure that at no point is there a need to get to less than 2m separation

Latest relaxing of lockdown restrictions - 1st June 2020
You may have seen that the BMFA are now supporting the return to flying in Wales:

A return to flying at Llandow will now be allowed from 1st June but we must follow strick limitations and currently that limits members who are no more than FIVE miles from the field. Also we have put in place strick distancing rules.

The committee stresses that the 5-mile travel rule MUST be adhered to. This essentially covers Llantwit Major, St Athan, Cowbridge, Wick, Llysworney and Llandow at this time. 

Because we are accommodating flying, not socialising, and we want to limit the chances of infection carrying in windy conditions due to many of our members being in the at risk category, we will plan parking and flying operations as such to achieve a 6m separation.

The Llandow flying site will be marked out to accommodate around five cars with only two fixed wing pilots flying at any one time well-spaced, outside the pilot’s box with 6m separation.  One heli pilot from the opposite end. Model set-up will be alongside the left-hand side of the car giving good distancing at the rear for carrying models to the flight line.

Due to the currently limited travel distance it is thought unlikely that the five-car limit will be a problem for now. A red flag will be flown on the pole below the windsock to indicate when the site is full.

No assistance can be given to learners at this time unless the instructor is willing to use his own TX as the master control and the student has the ability to link his own TX wirelessly to the master.” However, the learner must have reached the stage where he can safely assemble and start the model without assistance.

A Checklist

   1) Ensure you are within the 5-mile radius.

   2) Don't enter the flying site when the red flag is flying.

   3) Sanitise hands after handling the gate before you get back in the car. If you use gloves be careful what you handle with them.

   4) Park in a free bay and setup your model on the left-hand side of the car. 

   5) The pegboard is out of operation until further notice. There are only a few members using 35Mhz – If you use 35Mhz please ensure verbally that you are safe to switch on.

   6) Wait for a space to fly, then fly.

   7) After flight, retrieve your model and return to your setup area immediately.

   8) Maintain 6m separation from other members where possible and never break the 2m distancing rule.

   8) After leaving the flight site and closing the gate, sanitise your hands before entering the car.

Please follow these rule as strickly as possible. As an additional note, please remember to attach your CAA id to your models that weight 250g or more.

Committee for 2019/20
The Committee remain in place and is as follows: Chair: Jeremy Boswell, Secretary: Peter Dennis. Treasurer: Paul Board, Membership Secretary: Frank Watkins, Committee Members: Keith Evans, Gareth Cooper & Steve Cottingham

Our grateful thanks for all the hard work done by the committee and club members over what has been a very busy year. Details of our full Committee can be found in the 'Members Area' of the web site.




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